Create a Verizon Email account

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Last Updated on October 24, 2022 by Email Admin

Verizon Email Sign Up – Can I still Create a New Verizon Email Account?

How do I create a new Verizon email account or has Verizon Webmail been closed?

Following Verizon’s acquisition of AOL, as well as the core internet businesses of Yahoo, Verizon announced it was leaving the email business and migrating existing email addresses to either AOL Mail or Yahoo! Mail.

As a result, it is no longer possible to create a new email address.

How can I create a new email account, then?

Nevertheless, Verizon Communications now owns AOL Mail and customers can sign up for a new email address on that platform by visiting the main AOL Mail homepage ( ). Once there, simply click on the link at the bottom of the login form, which is labelled ‘Don’t Have An Account? Sign Up’.

On the next page, you will need to enter personal details, such as your name, date of birth, mobile phone number and ZIP code. In addition, you will need to select a username, which will serve as the prefix for your email address, as well as a password, which must be between 8 and 16 characters in length.

Unlike many other platforms, special characters, such as ‘!’, ‘#’ and ‘@’ are permitted for use in AOL Mail passwords.

If you prefer a Yahoo Mail branded email account, you can sign up to Yahoo Mail here, be clicking on “Create New Account”.

The old registration pages at or are no longer available.

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Posted on: October 24, 2022, by :

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